Friday, 24 May 2013

Sharing Practice 2013

Building on the very successful 2012 launch of this conference, we are running another event on Tuesday, 2nd July 2013
‘Innovation, Research and Partnerships to enhance Learning’
A free Conference organised by UCLan in collaboration with the PRF/CAER
Key note by Professor Angela Brew
Last year brought 60 participants from across the Northwest together to share practice, research and innovation across higher and further education.  Feedback celebrated networking and learning across diverse areas of Education.
This year, the conference will bring together practitioner-researchers once again.  The conference seeks to embrace ALL education practitioners in a growing community of practitioner-researchers.  With a great selecting of poster presentations, we welcome you to attend this valuable event which will be held in Livesey House at UCLan's Preston campus.

Please RSVP to by 27th June.  See programme below.
Follow the conference on twitter and share your thoughts #shareprac

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Sharing Practice 2013 Keynote

Creative curriculum change through research-  Professor Angela Brew
In designing innovative new courses, decisions have to be taken about the structure and nature of the student experience, what it is intended that students should learn and how and whether their work is to be assessed. Using research-informed approaches to educational enhancement means infusing these decisions with disciplinary and pedagogical research findings and processes.