Thursday, 15 May 2014

‘Sharing Practice 2014

‘Learning Innovations, Research and Partnership’

Tuesday, 1st July 2014

organised by UCLan through the Pedagogic Research Forum/HR/ Education Research Group
Last year brought 60 participants from across the Northwest together to share practice, research and innovation across higher and further education.  Feedback celebrated networking and learning across diverse areas of Education.
This year, the conference will bring together practitioner-researchers once again.  The conference seeks to embrace ALL education practitioners in a growing community of practitioner-researchers.  Participants will share in colleagues’ practice through posters from higher, further, adult and compulsory education institutions in UCLan and the Northwest.
·         Learner experience and engagement
·         Students as partners
  • Collaborative and practice-based learning
  • Effective learning  environments
  • Innovations and Impact
  • Professor Sue Clegg, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Research at Leeds Metropolitan University.

The conference uses posters and short accompanying presentations in order to maximising the sharing and dissemination of research and practice across sectors and the practitioner community.  We encourage presenters to make posters interactive and to promote discussions examining the potential contribution and impact of their work for the sector, and also to evaluate the contribution of applied research to the enhancement of education.
Programme Outline:
9.30 Coffee and registration
10-11 Keynote Professor Sue Clegg
11-11.45 Coffee and Poster Previews
11.45-13.15 Poster Sessions
13.15-14.00 Lunch – bring own lunch
14-15.30 Poster Sessions
15.30-16.00 Reflection and closing plenary, Sue Clegg

To book your place contact Sonia Greenyer