Emma Jones
Abstract below...
Learning should be fun and interesting. As educators we need to be creative to enhance our students’ experience of learning. Getting students to engage can be a challenge (Rabinowitz, Kernodle, & McKethan, 2010) therefore Biggs (2003) argues for students to be active in their learning
Building on ideas from colleagues in my workplace and from
the teaching team on the PGCert in health and social care education, I created
my ‘toolbox’. I want other educators to make learning creative to engage the
students and ultimately enhance their experience. Ensuring students’
experiences are high quality is essential in higher education (Browne, 2010)
We all need to keep building our ‘toolboxes’, what are you
going to do?
Biggs, J. (2003). Aligning teaching and assessment to
curriculum objectives. Retrieved from
Brookfield, S. (2007). Becoming a critically reflective
teacher. Retrieved from
Browne, J. (2010). Securing a sustainable future for
higher education. Retrieved from
Rabinowitz, E., Kernodle, M. W., & McKethan, R. N.
(2010). The effective use of PowerPoint to facilitate active learning. Journal
of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 81(5), 12-16.
Race, P. (2007). The lecturer’s toolkit: A practical
guide to assessment, learning and teaching. Routledge, UK: Oxford.